Man Cave Ideas | 19 DIY Decor and Furniture Projects
5:30 AMDo you ever wish you had a place of your own to go relax? A cool man cave so you can have a little dude time to yourself? Maybe your girlfriend left ya, maybe you kicked her out, or maybe you just can’t be bothered with the outside world at the moment. Sounds like you need to make a man cave. Sometimes you just need a little man time to fill the void and cool DIY Projects for men are not easy to find. Yeah, it’s pretty much the science of the male psyche. Tuck yourself away in these pretty badass man caves that you can make yourself. Never worry about your wife finding out about your fantasy football league again. Want to learn more? Scroll on to see our best mancave DIY Project Ideas.
1. DIY Toilet Paper Holder That Everyone’s Talking About
via funkyjunkinteriors Probably the most straightforward man projects that you’ll ever have to endure. We know how much dudes love their cars, and this is for sure the best way to honor the dude mobile. All you need is your old rusty license plate and some wood and your good to go! Just glue some slabs of wood together. BOOM. Instant TP holder (and you’ll impress the ladies).
2. DIY Jack Daniels Soap Dispenser
3. Hooks Made From Wrenches
via The Black Workshop
Aren’t these rad? It’s pretty awesome that you don’t need anything other than your super human strength, a screw driver, and an old wrench to throw these puppies up in your man cave. You can bet the dudes will be jealous.
4. DIY Cutting Board
via manmadediy Check out this awesome DIY cutting board along with the step-by-step tutorial on how it’s made brought to you by one of the coolest websites for all things man, manmadediy. You can totally put your drink on that too, bro.
5. Make A Wood Pallet Coffee Table
Have you ever made anything out of pallet wood? This long-forgotten wood has been used for hundreds of re-purposed projects. Check out how to make your own pallet table by reading our awesome post on cool pallet projects.

6. Book Shelf Made Out Of Pipe Clamps
via DIYesq Did you know that building shelves out of plumbers pipe is just straight up easy? This is one of the most cost effective DIY shelving units you can make. Everything you need you can find right at your neighborhood Home Depot. They even have a tutorial on their website to build one to your own specific needs and measurements. Cool!

7. A Beer Barrel Made Into A Bed
via intash Yup. It’s real. A giant bed made out of giant barrel. You thought nursery rhymes weren’t real. Guess again. This barrel bed is pretty damn cool if you ask us. We’re thinking, “how did they fit that thing through the door?”
8. DIY Pac Man Ottoman
Oh yeah, baby. We went there. Who doesn’t want this otto-man couch? I mean, com on. You can make it yourself and you know you nearly have a heart attack when you walk into a bar and they have a pac man machine. It doesn’t get any better than this.

9. A Sink…That Is Also A Tire.
10. Beer Bottle Opener and Cap Catcher
What makes a beer bottle opener worth using? Not having to bend over when the sucker flies off into oblivion. Avoid the nuisance of having to do something so rudimentary by snatching one of these sick gadgets.
via Etsy
11. DIY Wood Pallet Arrow
Okay so this is pretty dope. Ignore the photo frames around it. We’re thinking you should probably paint it red and make a sign that says, “GET OUT – AND DON’T LET THE DOOR HIT YA…” You know the rest. Check out how it’s made here.

12. Man Cave Barbecue Made Out Of A Car
Turn your old car into a barbecue. Make sure to remove the engine before attempting this at home, kids. 
13. Create A Tiled Floor Using Pennies
via reddit Now you can make the most the most non-expensive floor you’ve ever walked on. Seriously, it would probably cost you… uh, pennies. 
14. DIY Bar Made Out Of Shipping Pallets
Make this awesome bar to impress your friends. All you need is some old wood you via pinterest 
15. DIY Corona Drinking Glasses
via These drinking glasses totally rule. All you need is some acetone and string, or a bottle cutter and you can make awesome DIY glasses out of any liquor bottle you like. 

16. Make A Balanced Book Shelf
via manmadediy Take a huge weight off your shoulders with this awesome book balancing act. Impress your friends with science.

17. How to Turn Suitcases into Wall Shelving
All you need to do is grab a chainsaw and just get to it. Kidding. But how killer are these suitcase shelves? Such an awesome addition to a man cave. Further instructions on how to make them below. via manmadediy